Sankarea (Dub) Episode 13 ((BETTER))
Sankarea: Undying Love is a 2012 anime television series produced by Studio Deen. The series has been based on the manga series by Mitsuru Hattori. The story follows a boy named Chihiro Furuya and his relationship with Rea Sanka, a girl who dies and comes back to life as a zombie due to a resurrection potion Chihiro had made. The 12-episode television series aired in Japan between April 5 and June 28, 2012.[1] Three additional original video animation episodes were released. Episodes 00 and 14 were bundled with the limited editions of the 6th and 7th volumes of the manga respectively, which were published on June 8 and November 9, 2012.[2] Episode 13 was released with the anime series' 6th Blu-ray Disc and DVD volumes on November 30, 2012.[3][4]
Sankarea (Dub) Episode 13
The original manga by Mitsuru Hattori began serialization in Kodansha's Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine. The series' first chapter was published in the magazine's January 2010 issue, released on December 9, 2009,[4] and the last one ran in its October 2014 issue, released on September 9, 2014.[5][6] The series was also compiled in eleven tankōbon volumes, published between June 9, 2014, and November 11, 2014.[7][8] The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th volumes were published simultaneously with limited editions. The 5th volume's limited edition was bundled with drama CD, telling an original story.[9][10] The limited editions of the 6th and 7th volumes were bundled with a DVD containing an original anime episode each.[11][12][13] The limited edition of the 8th volume was bundled with three bathroom posters with erotic depictions of the series' heroines.[14][15]
A 12-episode anime television series based on the manga was announced in the October 2011 issue of Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine, and aired in Japan between April 5 and June 28, 2012.[37] Two original video animation episodes were released with the limited edition of the 6th and 7th volumes of the manga on June 8 and November 9, 2012.[11] A third OVA episode was released with the 6th Blu-ray Disc and DVD volumes on November 30, 2012.[38][39] The opening theme is "Esoragoto" (絵空事, Figment) by Nano Ripe and the ending theme is "Above Your Hand" by Annabel. The series has been licensed in North America by Funimation, released the series dubbed in English on Blu-ray Disc and DVD on October 1, 2013. It was then discovered that the release contained the edited version, Funimation has since recalled and postponed a release on Blu-ray/DVD with the uncensored material, no news of a proper release date was announced until Funimation announced a March 31, 2015 release for the uncut complete series.[40] Customers who have received the edited version can opt to return their copy for refund or exchange their copy for the unedited version when it is distributed.[41] MVM Films has licensed the series in the United Kingdom.[42] 041b061a72